Oh Babe, I was just trying to tell you that my collection of thoughts expressed in 96 comments
is published here  at Reuters: http://www.reuters.com/profile/NEWSTIME2010  and an article about me
has just been published here: http://www.kulturguidevasternorrland.se/start.aspx?id=158
Last mail was so to say a detail about the stupid book burner in America
Ta ta
----- Original Message -----
From: Eva
To: Ture Sjolander
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2010 3:35 AM
Subject: Re: Hot as hell mail

Hej Ture
I wish I could understand what you are talking about, but I assume it
is hot as hell  and you are sending it to me?
With love, Eva

----- Original Message -----
From: Ture Sjolander
To: Tracy
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2010 11:00 AM
Subject: Fw: Hot as hell mail

kan du tänka dig att min kommentar om bokbrännare redan tagits bort på Reuters.
va läskigt! den var ju så djäkla bra.

Fri, Sep 10 2010
 WASHINGTON/GAINESVILLE, Florida (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Friday appealed to Americans to respect the "inalienable" right of religious freedom and expressed hope a Florida Christian preacher would abandon a plan to burn the Koran that could deeply hurt the United States abroad.

News of the plan has already outraged many Muslims around the world and triggered violent protests in Afghanistan in which one protester was shot dead.

"This is a way of endangering our troops, our sons and daughters ... you don't play games with that," Obama told a Washington news conference in which he included an earnest appeal for religious tolerance in the United States to preserve multi-faith harmony.

Calling himself a person who "relies heavily on my Christian faith," Obama said he was nevertheless respectful of people of different faiths, be they Muslims or others.

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Sep 10, 2010 11:53pm EDT

Nobody cares! What we have several stupid Koran and mosque issues at once. Don’t pay any attention to the smoke and mirrors. Don’t believe that suddenly 10 year after 9/11 there is a sudden Muslim mania. And remember 9/11 was an inside job. Don’t forget it! 6 of the 10 9/11 commissioners agree.

Bisky71 Report As Abusive
Sep 10, 2010 11:58pm EDT

Here is your proof that Obama is a closet Muslim. Do you think he would get this upset if someone was burning Bibles? Not a chance. He would call it a celebration of civil liberty … and the hypocritical news media would join in the celebration.

jollypants Report As Abusive
Sep 11, 2010 12:26am EDT

Now if only he would be as concerned about the insult of a couple of slumlords building an Islamic center where the ashes of human beings incinerated in the name of Islam fell.
Jollypants may well be on to something.

Miriamac Report As Abusive
Sep 11, 2010 12:50am EDT


Your comment is ridiculous.

First of all – Mr. Obama is not now (nor has he ever been) a Muslim. You say “Here is your proof that Obama is a closet Muslim” – and yet you offer NO PROOF. Your statements are vapid and have no value – they only breed hatred and divide people. Mr. Obama is doing what any honest and respectful president/statesman would do – and that is – maintain peace and harmony here in the U.S. and around the world.

Burning ANY Holy Book (be it the Koran or the Bible) – is disrespectful to millions of people on this Earth (that we all share) – and no one should celebrate such a heinous act/event. If you must live a life that is consumed by hate – please keep it to yourself and spare the rest of us from having to view it. I will pray for you (because God knows you need it).

v_hartwell Report As Abusive
Sep 11, 2010 1:53am EDT

“Burning ANY Holy Book (be it the Koran or the Bible) – is disrespectful to millions of people on this Earth”

I don’t suppose you happened to notice the flag burning going on regularly in the middle east? Equally as disrespectful to non-Muslims who don’t give two hoots about the Koran to be quite frank.

somethingtosay Report As Abusive
Sep 11, 2010 2:33am EDT

Printed stuff on paper may burn better than the same stuff on a I-Pod or in a E-book, or in a TV-monitor.

As a matter of fact the Koran is already on fire all around the World in the news media via satellite.

If any one wanna burn a couple of printed books now, it is far too late.

Peoples brains must be burnt out from birth if they don’t understand how things work in our news media World.

Let’s get the satellites on fire for heavens sake…

(The above written by the undersigned but not read)

NEWSTIME2010 Report As Abusive
Ture Sjolander
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